Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Pasta Anyone Can Make -- As Long as You Have Trader Joe's

I've been pretty upfront about struggling to get lunch and dinner on the table in an easy fashion over here. So I was psyched when my friend Jenny made me a deliciously simple pasta, that's just four ingredients, all from Trader Joe's. Truth be told, we were making pasta for the kids and the only kind we had was the little wagon wheels. It was delicious that way, but you can also use fusilli or penne.

I made it during Amelia's nap last week and it took no time.  It makes a great side dish, or if you're a pasta lover like me, your entree for the evening.

Here goes:
- Boil pasta
- Chop chives (a handful will do)
- Cut mozzarella into cubes
- Once pasta is cooked, add the fresh mozzarella cheese and place immediately on the hot pasta
- Add sun-dried tomatoes and some of the olive oil left in the jar (too much will make it super oily)
- Season with some salt and pepper, maybe even red pepper flakes for a little kick

And you're done.  Thanks, Jenny!

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